Volunteer Reporting 

All Master Gardener Association members are encouraged to volunteer throughout the year by teaching the local community scientifically based garden practices. We do our best to ensure there are ample opportunities for members to participate in *educational service*. 

"Educational Service" means teaching and consulting about gardening for the general public. "Educational Service" does NOT include physical work.

 Examples of educational service include but are not limited to:

1.) Teaching a gardening class at your local school or church.

2.) Answering the phone at your local Clemson University extension office for callers with questions about their home garden.

3.) In person, or phone consultations for friends or neighbors who have lawn or garden questions.

4.) Participating at an "Ask a Master Gardener" event, where members of the public ask for advice in person. 

5.) Researching and compiling educational handouts on specialized garden topics for events. 

Volunteer hours are reported to Clemson University through their volunteer reporting system. The number of hours reported through the system determines your level of participation.

The four levels of participation are: 

Someone who has completed the Master Gardener university extension course, passed the final exam, and achieved their initial Master Gardener Certification is required to complete 20 hours of volunteer educational service and 10 hours of continuing education per year to renew their certification.

Someone who has completed the Master Gardener university extension course, passed the final exam, and completes1-19 hours of annual volunteer service per year.

Someone who completed the Master Gardener university extension course, passed the final exam and currently completes 0 volunteer hours annually.

1st year students must log a minimum of 40 volunteer hours within 1 calendar year of class completion and passing of the final exam. No continuing education hours are required for first year certification

Certification requirements are determined by Clemson University Master Gardener Program and not the Florence County Master Gardeners Assocation.

All four levels of participants are welcome to join the Florence County Master Gardeners. 


Need to record your volunteer service hours or continuing education credits? Click the Link below!